Understanding React.js (Part 2) - Batched Updates

In React, we can update the states of class components via setState() and update states of function components via hooks (i.e., useState()). These changes cause parts of the component tree to re-render. A naïve mechanism would be to re-render the component on every call of setState(), which would be inefficient when there are multiple calls of setState() inside a React event handler or synchronous lifecycle method.

React implements a batched updating mechanism to reduce the number of component renders. Consequently, multiple state changes will be batched into a single update, which will eventually trigger one re-render of a component.

There are existing great articles on this topic:

  1. React State Batch Update by Nitai Ahroni. This article does not focus on the source code of React, but rather from the App developer’s perspective using examples.
  2. Understanding The React Source Code - UI Updating (Transactions) VI and VII by Holmes He. These two articles explain the source code of batched updates and transactions in great details.

Given that Holmes He has already done a great work explaining many technical details, here I will only mention some parts that I feel interesting. Note that the source code is from an old version of React (v15+). The Fiber reconciler of React v16+ is using a different mechanism, which I will cover in the future.


React implements a batched updating mechanism for several scenarios, such as changing states via setState() within life cycles, re-rendering component tree within a container, and calling event handlers. Here, let’s ignore the useState() hooks because it is not part of V15+.

When setState() is called, it is delegated to this.updater.enqueueSetState(). As mentioned in the previous post, this.updater will be injected by a specific renderer. For example, if the renderer ReactDOM is used, it injects ReactUpdateQueue as this.updater.

Next, we look at the code for ReactUpdateQueue.enqueueSetState():

var ReactUpdateQueue = {
  enqueueSetState: function(publicInstance, partialState) {
    var internalInstance = getInternalInstanceReadyForUpdate(

    if (!internalInstance) {

    var queue =
      internalInstance._pendingStateQueue ||
      (internalInstance._pendingStateQueue = []);


// src/renderers/shared/stack/reconciler/ReactUpdateQueue.js

React maintains a map from public instances (e.g., instances of class components) to internal instances (e.g., instances of internal components). The code above first retrieves the internal instance from the map by the public instance, then appends the new (partial) state to _pendingStateQueue of the internal instance. Finally, it calls enqueueUpdate() that essentially calls ReactUpdates.enqueueUpdate().

Similarly, if a callback is specified in setState(partialState, callback), it will be enqueued by this.updater.enqueueCallback(). Subsequently, this callback will be appended to _pendingCallbacks of the internal instance. Lastly, enqueueUpdate() is called.

If we call ReactDOM.render() for the first time, the whole component tree will be mounted onto the root container. If we call ReactDOM.render() again with a new element, the component tree will be updated. Specifically, ReactUpdateQueue.enqueueElementInternal() is called to set new element as _pendingElement of the internal instance. Again, enqueueUpdate() is called.

In summary, ReactUpdateQueue is a middle layer that caches the new state/element to an internal field of the internal instance (e.g., _pendingStateQueue, _pendingElement, etc). Then it calls ReactUpdates.enqueueUpdate() to start the actual batch updating. If any of those internal fields are not null, it means that the component is dirty, which needs a re-render. Once a component is re-rendered, those internal fields will be reset to null to avoid further re-rendering.

ReactUpdates and Transactions

Now, we look at ReactUpdates.enqueueUpdate():

function enqueueUpdate(component) {

  if (!batchingStrategy.isBatchingUpdates) {
    batchingStrategy.batchedUpdates(enqueueUpdate, component);

  if (component._updateBatchNumber == null) {
    component._updateBatchNumber = updateBatchNumber + 1;

// src/renderers/shared/stack/reconciler/ReactUpdates.js

The call stack is as follows:

1) ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy is injected as batchingStrategy, as seen in previous post;

2) When enqueueUpdate() is called for the first time, batchingStrategy.isBatchingUpdates is false, which calls ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.batchedUpdates(). The code is below:

var ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy = {
  isBatchingUpdates: false,

  batchedUpdates: function(callback, a, b, c, d, e) {
    var alreadyBatchingUpdates = ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.isBatchingUpdates;

    ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.isBatchingUpdates = true;

    // The code is written this way to avoid extra allocations
    if (alreadyBatchingUpdates) {
      return callback(a, b, c, d, e);
    } else {
      return transaction.perform(callback, null, a, b, c, d, e);

// src/renderers/shared/stack/reconciler/ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.js

3) batchedUpdates() sets ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.isBatchingUpdates to true, and calls transaction.perform(). The callback argument passed into perform() is enqueueUpdate() above. Note that in future calls of batchedUpdates, the callback will be called directly so that transaction.perform() is guaranteed to be called for only once. However, we usually call enqueueUpdate() rather than calling batchedUpdates() directly. And if we call enqueueUpdate() for more than once, we will not call batchedUpdates() anymore. This means we normally will not reach the true branch of batchedUpdates(). But this is added as defensive programming.

4) In general, the default Transaction.perform() will first initiate all the defined wrappers (i.e., Transaction.initializeAll()), then call the method, and finally close all the wrappers (i.e., Transaction.closeAll()). The exception handling here is interesting. A try-finally block is used within a for-loop rather than try-catch. Take initializeAll() as an example. If the i-th wrapper fails to initialize and throws an exception, it breaks the for-loop, but the finally block will continue to initialize the i+1-th wrapper till the last wrapper. Handling the exception in this way is because try-catch makes debugging more difficult.

5) In this case, the transaction here is ReactDefaultBatchingStrategyTransaction, which is a subclass of Transaction and has two wrappers (FLUSH_BATCHED_UPDATES and RESET_BATCHED_UPDATES). Initializing these two wrappers does nothing because they have emptyFunction as initialize().

6) Within the context of transaction while ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.isBatchingUpdates being true, enqueueUpdate() is called for the second time. Then, the component will be saved into dirtyComponents.


7) When enqueueUpdate() returns, transaction starts to close up all the wrappers. The close() of the first wrapper FLUSH_BATCHED_UPDATES is called. This method further calls ReactUpdates.flushBatchedUpdates(), which is the method that actually handles all the updates.

var flushBatchedUpdates = function () {
  while (dirtyComponents.length || asapEnqueued) {
    if (dirtyComponents.length) {
      var transaction = ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction.getPooled();
      transaction.perform(runBatchedUpdates, null, transaction);

// src/renderers/shared/stack/reconciler/ReactUpdates.js

8) ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction is initialized and calls runBatchedUpdates() within this transaction. We can see that an instance of ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction is obtained from a pool via getPooled(), and will be put back to the pool via release() after usage. These two methods come from PooledClass. However, there is a discussion on GitHub about removing this class. It seems that the previous concerns about the deoptimization of auguments has been resolved by modern JS engine. Therefore, we can ignore this class.

9) ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction is also a subclass of Transaction but overrides the perform() method which will actually call ReactReconcileTransaction.perform(). In this way, it first initializes the wrappers of ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction and further initializes the wrappers of ReactReconcileTransaction.

  initialize: function() {
    this.dirtyComponentsLength = dirtyComponents.length;
  close: function() {
    if (this.dirtyComponentsLength !== dirtyComponents.length) {
      dirtyComponents.splice(0, this.dirtyComponentsLength);
      flushBatchedUpdates();      // scr: ----------------------> a)
    } else {
      dirtyComponents.length = 0; // scr: ----------------------> b)

var UPDATE_QUEUEING = { // scr: ------> we omit this wrapper for now
  initialize: function() {
  close: function() {

// Wrappers for ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction

// src/renderers/shared/stack/reconciler/ReactUpdates.js

10) In initialize() of the NESTED_UPDATES wrapper of ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction, the current number of dirtyComponents is stored. Then ReactUpdates.runBatchedUpdates() is called within the nested transaction ReactReconcileTransaction, although the transaction argument of runBatchedUpdates(transaction) is ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction. Therefore, the _pendingCallbacks of a component will be moved into ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction.callbackQueue. Eventually, this callbackQueue will be triggered and cleared in close() of UPDATE_QUEUEING.

function ReactReconcileTransaction(useCreateElement: boolean) {
  this.renderToStaticMarkup = false;
  this.reactMountReady = CallbackQueue.getPooled(null);
  this.useCreateElement = useCreateElement;

11) The three wrappers of ReactReconcileTransaction are mostly related to the event and selection in browser. So I skip the code.

12) However, inside the constructor of ReactReconcileTransaction, we find that it has its own CallbackQueue called reactMountReady. This queue stores callbacks such as componentDidUpdate(), componentDidMount(), or DOM related callbacks (e.g., autoFocus). After runBatchedUpdates(), ReactReconcileTransaction closes up in which those callbacks will be triggered and cleared. If those callbacks call setState() again, then the components will be added into dirtyComponents, as step 6).

13) After ReactReconcileTransaction closes up, ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction starts to close. In close() method of the NESTED_UPDATES wrapper, the stored number is compared to the latest number of dirtyComponents. If they are different, the processed dirty components are deleted and flushBatchedUpdates() is called again in a recursive manner.

14) Note that the close() of UPDATE_QUEUEING wrapper of ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction has not been called. It means that this transaction is still on the call stack. Two new transactions (ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction and ReactReconcileTransaction) are obtained/created from the pool, pushed on the call stack, and initialized again, similar to step 8) and 9).

15) When all dirtyComponents are updated–probably after recursive flushBatchedUpdates()–the topmost ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction closes up. In this process, the callbackQueue tied to this transaction will be triggered and cleared. Then, this transaction is popped out from the call stack and then released into the pool. The next topmost ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction repeats this process until all are popped out.

16) Lastly, the close() method of the wrapper RESET_BATCHED_UPDATES of ReactDefaultBatchingStrategyTransaction is called, which sets ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.isBatchingUpdates back to false and completes the circle.

It is important to note that any successive calls of enqueueUpdate() between 3) and 16) are supposed to be executed in the context of ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.isBatchingUpdates:true. If any additional updates occur during this period (e.g., by componentWillUpdate, componentDidUpdate, or similar), those components will be pushed to dirtyComponents as well. So, it’s like

dirtyComponents.push(component);   // 6)
ReactUpdates.flushBatchedUpdates()  // 7)
// Additional updates occur
dirtyComponents.push(component);   // 6)
dirtyComponents.push(component);   // 6)
dirtyComponents.push(component);   // 6)
ReactUpdates.flushBatchedUpdates()  // 7)
// No further updates
ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.isBatchingUpdates = false    // 16)

Sync and Async setState

When setState() is called within a synchronous lifecycle or event handler, the ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.isBatchingUpdates has already been set to true. This is because there are three scenarios of calling setState() synchronously:

  1. When mounting a new root component via ReactDOM.render(), ReactMount._renderNewRootComponent() is called and further triggers ReactUpdates.batchedUpdates(). In recursively mounting a component and its children, any setState() in componentWillMount() or componentDidMount() pushes the component into the dirtyComponents, as step 6). One interesting thing is that the setState() in componentWillMount() will be processed immediately (i.e., resetting _pendingStateQueue to null), without waiting for the next batch.
  2. When updating the root component via ReactDOM.render(), _updateRootComponent() is called and further calls ReactUpdateQueue.enqueueElementInternal(). In recursively updating the component and its children, any setState() in the lifecycles follows step 6). The setState() in componentWillReceiveProps() is processed immediately, similar to componentWillMount() above. However, componentWillUpdate() does not.
  3. When an event is triggered, ReactEventListener.dispatchEvent() is called and further calls ReactUpdates.batchedUpdates().

However, if we use setState() within setTimeout(), async, and Promise, we will not be able to setup ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.isBatchingUpdates as true. Instead, ReactUpdateQueue.enqueueSetState() is called, which sets isBatchingUpdates to true but calls transaction.perform() directly. In such case, each setState() is handled independently and triggers a re-render.


The batched updating mechanism is sophisticated and well designed. It takes time to understand this recursive process that involves different transactions and wrappers. Using the Chrome Debugger greatly simplifies this process and also corrects some of my misunderstanding that comes from purely reading source code.